Underwater Field Trip

Underwater Field Trip

The Worldwide Voyage brings schools from across the world together for a virtual field trip underwater.

ʻŌiwi TV’s Bryson Hoe explained, “Today we are running a virtual field trip with crewmembers at the Reef HQ in Townsville, Australia, students from Pt England School near Auckland, New Zealand, and students here for the PVS leadership program. In Australia now we have Worldwide Voyage crewmembers at Reef HQ. And what they are doing is there is a diver underwater and as he’s swimming he’s recording what he’s seeing. And they can explain to the students what’s happening in front of them and the students can interact and ask questions about coral species, fishes that they see. It’s a lot more interactive.”

Maleko Lorenzo, member of the leadership program Nā Kelamoku, said “It makes me realize what we can do with technology right now in this day and age and how powerful it is to be able to connect with people around the world. As we mālama honua and think about how we are taking care of this earth, the ocean is a big part of this earth and the reef, it’s important for me to be able to connect with other cultures and other people around the world and see what they are doing.”

ʻŌiwi TV reaches across generations, socio-economic statuses, and geographic locations as the sole media venue where the Hawaiian language, culture and perspective thrive. Through Digital Channel 326, ʻŌiwi TV reaches over 220,000 households across the entire State via Oceanic Time Warner Cable’s network. Through its website, mobile, and social media venues, ʻŌiwi TV is reaching Hawaiians everywhere and engaging a generation of Hawaiians that expect to access anything and everything from anywhere at anytime.


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