Lomilomi Workshop

Lomilomi Workshop

ʻAha Kāne Lomilomi workshop with Kumu Alva Andrews.

About ʻAha Kāne

The goal of ‘Aha Kane 2010 is to address the issues of Native Hawaiian male leadership and community involvement by focusing on the cultural history and the roles of Native Hawaiian men in the past, present and future. ‘Aha Kane 2010 offers a diverse venue of support services, educational programs, health presentations, and cultural workshops to increase our awareness and empower Native Hawaiian kane to fulfill our roles and responsibilities amongst ourselves, as well as within our families and our respective communities.  

For more information and updates, visit the ʻAha Kāne website

ʻŌiwi TV reaches across generations, socio-economic statuses, and geographic locations as the sole media venue where the Hawaiian language, culture and perspective thrive. Through Digital Channel 326, ʻŌiwi TV reaches over 220,000 households across the entire State via Oceanic Time Warner Cable’s network. Through its website, mobile, and social media venues, ʻŌiwi TV is reaching Hawaiians everywhere and engaging a generation of Hawaiians that expect to access anything and everything from anywhere at anytime.


  1. lokana 10 years ago

    Mahalo much Uncle for sharing your teachings, for embracing your connection with your elders, their knowledge and cultural ways of our people. The added mana I received from watching this video was very energizing to me. I give thanks to my relatives that shared this page. Being Hawaiian sometimes i can’t explain what flows through me but i know I’m connected to all that surrounds me! And I’m so very grateful for the ability to understand that energy force, thank you again for all that you do for us. Aloha!

  2. Betty Souza 10 years ago

    Mahalo for sharing your thoughts on lomi lomi with everyone!

  3. Betty Souza 10 years ago

    Mahalo nui for sharing your thoughts on lomi lomi!!

  4. Greg Nee 9 years ago

    Met Kumu Andrews at Pu’ukohola Heiau. After a long day of instructing his students, he took the time to fix a problem with my back. He had me return the following night to finish the procedure and complete the healing. I will never forget his giving and aloha shown to me. Aloha oi Kumu. We shall meet again in the Po…….

  5. Cheryl bryers 9 years ago

    E te iwi kia ora! Kia tae te rongo kua hinga te totara I te wao nui aa tane… Ka tangi apakura tatou te mahuetanga …ka tangi tatou I raro I te kapua pouri. NGA mihi aroha ki aa koe e toku hoa…takoto mai ra I te whata na Maru…to atu e te raa, to atu ki te rua… Naaku now na Te Aho Matua, no Aotearoa.

  6. Sharon Aki 9 years ago

    Thank you for providing this excellent program of how Alva Andrews and his legacy lives on with your film. I am in Switzerland and I am with sadness to know of his passing, however, it is work like yours with all the sponsors and associations who allow us no matter where we live now to keep Hawaii, it’s people and their gifts forever alive.

  7. Nicole 7 years ago

    Mahalo kumu. You made me feel important before I realised that I, like everyone, was (and am). Please continue to give me power every day.
    The little one

  8. Anna Surento 3 years ago

    Mahalo Kumu. Miss u so much. Honoring our legacy every time I work with people. Thank for you this video. As Haumana, I’m wondering, can I get a copy? I now live on the mainland and I need to hear him and see him sometimes outside of my pule.

    Mahalo nui loa. Love you Uncle.

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