Fostering Hawaiian Children: No Kākou Ke Kuleana

      ʻO ke kaumaha loa no kēia mau keiki, ʻaʻole lākou i koho, na kekahi i koho hewa. ʻAʻole he kanaka ʻino nā mākuahine, nā ʻohana hānau, akā ua koho hewa, a ʻo ka hopena na ke keiki. Nui ka pilikia ma ke kula. Nui kona pilikia me kāna hana, behaviour...
PHOTOS: Lā Hoʻihoʻi Ea 2015

PHOTOS: Lā Hoʻihoʻi Ea 2015

[sf_gallery gallery_id=”19731″ slider_transition=”slide” show_thumbs=”yes” autoplay=”yes” show_captions=”no” enable_lightbox=”yes” width=”1/1″ el_position=”first last”]...

Elleen Eoreni: Connecting Oceanic Pathways

“So today was the launching of our canoe, that was part of a project called, Connecting Oceanic Pathways, Walking the Stick of our Ancestors, and the project really came about in trying to honor Mau Piailug and his contributions to Hawaiʻi and his wish that we make...

Uncovering an Ancient Waʻa

As Hōkūleʻa and Hikianalia sail into the future of voyaging, exciting findings around the world contribute and retrace past voyages of our Polynesian ancestors, confirming our pilina, or relations throughout the Pacific. In Anaweka, on the Northwest part of the South...
C4 Waterman: Designs from the Core

C4 Waterman: Designs from the Core

“The whole philosophy behind C4 was created based on the lifestyle of the waterman. C4 stands for core four, the core four values of the waterman: balance, endurance, strength and tradition. The most important part of the philosophy in C4 Waterman is tradition....