Hokianga: Māori Roots

Hokianga: Māori Roots

One of the chief servants of Te Roroa, Jason Fox says that “This community is called Te Roroa. It’s a combination of about six Marae – six communities and their affiliated family groupings. They come together under a single umbrella in order to look after pretty much...
Bright Spots UNSIDS & GLISPA

Bright Spots UNSIDS & GLISPA

“I think what’s happening here is the genesis of ideas, a genesis of new ways of thinking.” [dropcap2]T[/dropcap2]he weeklong Small Island Developing States (SIDS) conference in Apia, Sāmoa, brought people together from far and wide to talk about how durable...
Wyland Wall Pago Pago

Wyland Wall Pago Pago

“To be part of the voyage means everything to me.” [dropcap2]T[/dropcap2]he momentum of the Worldwide Voyage has inspired like-minded people from around the world to embrace the voyage. None, quite possibly, more visual than famous artist Wyland. “This is really...