by DND | Nov 30, 2014 | Environment, Polynesian Voyaging Society
One of the chief servants of Te Roroa, Jason Fox says that “This community is called Te Roroa. It’s a combination of about six Marae – six communities and their affiliated family groupings. They come together under a single umbrella in order to look after pretty much...
by DND | Sep 3, 2014 | Environment, Polynesian Voyaging Society
“I think what’s happening here is the genesis of ideas, a genesis of new ways of thinking.” [dropcap2]T[/dropcap2]he weeklong Small Island Developing States (SIDS) conference in Apia, Sāmoa, brought people together from far and wide to talk about how durable...
by DND | Aug 28, 2014 | Environment, Polynesian Voyaging Society
“To be part of the voyage means everything to me.” [dropcap2]T[/dropcap2]he momentum of the Worldwide Voyage has inspired like-minded people from around the world to embrace the voyage. None, quite possibly, more visual than famous artist Wyland. “This is really...
by DND | Jul 22, 2014 | Education, Environment, Polynesian Voyaging Society
Apprentice navigator Haunani Kane is one of the crew members engaging in science experiments onboard the...
by DND | Jul 2, 2014 | Environment, Polynesian Voyaging Society
Kalā Baybayan talks about their visit to Hamuto valley, a place of great significance to Sunny Moanaʻura Walker, a crewmember of...
by DND | Jul 1, 2014 | Environment, Polynesian Voyaging Society
Crew members learn about the coral propagation and environmental protection efforts at Punaauia,...