Vote Yes 4 The Keiki

Vote Yes 4 The Keiki

“My second child was in preschool and we got a little bit of financial aid for that and when he was coming out, we applied my third child and we were denied. We didn’t get any financial aid, and at that time, we weren’t able to afford the full tuition. So we decided...
Walking in Pauahi’s Footsteps

Walking in Pauahi’s Footsteps

“When we look at Pauahi, she left her legacy for us. And this is the same concept or idea that we want our students to think about as they are doing their legacy,” says Roy Alameida, a kumu at Kamehameha Schools, Hawaiʻi Campus. “Senior legacy project is like a senior...
Mahiʻai Matchup 2014

Mahiʻai Matchup 2014

The Mahi‘ai Match-Up Business Plan Contest was created through a partnership between Kamehameha Schools and the Ke Ali‘i Pauahi Foundation as a means to address Hawai‘i’s food security issues and increase food production for the local market. Three winners have...