ʻImiloa: The Science of Navigating

Kālepa Baybayan, captain and master navigator of Hōkūleʻa, is one of many educators taking the science of navigation around the world and returning to Hawaiʻi with a wealth of new experiences. As one of only a handful of Native Hawaiians bestowed the title of Pwo or...
Hōkūle‘a Mālama Honua Exhibition

Hōkūle‘a Mālama Honua Exhibition

On Friday, May 6th, the opening reception was held for a new exhibition about Hōkūleʻa’s Mālama Honua Worldwide Voyage. “This exhibition is called Hōkūleʻa Mālama Honua. It’s part of a month-long celebration that the Honolulu Museum of Art is putting on. The focus for...
Heidi Sails Home

Heidi Sails Home

As Chief Operating Officer at the Polynesian Voyaging Soceity Heidi Guth works relentlessly to make sure the voyage is logistically sound, and on a special sail from Natal Brazil to her home in the U.S. Virgin islands she took the opportunity to join the crew on the...
Voyage of Wisdom

Voyage of Wisdom

World renowned oceanographer Dr. Sylvia Earle reflected, “I had an opportunity to go to Midway Island, way out there at the outermost part of this beautiful island. I met a lot of wild creatures there, including a bird. This bird, named Wisdom, was banded in the...
Hikianalia: Connecting with Hawai‘i

Hikianalia: Connecting with Hawai‘i

Hikianalia, sister canoe to Hōkūleʻa, is journeying around our Hawaiian Islands in search of stories of hope here at home that are making a positive change for Hawai‘i’s future, inspired by Hōkūle’a’s legacy. Statewide outreach begins on the North Shore of Oahu and...