Our ʻOhana Waʻa Throughout the Pacific

Our ʻOhana Waʻa Throughout the Pacific

Pwo Navigator, Kālepa Baybayan says that, “The crew make up for the second leg of the international Mālama Honua Voyage was made up of mostly members from ʻOhana Waʻa. We have ʻAha Pūnana Leo’s Hōkūalakaʻi crew, Kawaihae’s Makaliʻi of Nā Kālai Waʻa Moku o Hawaiʻi, Hui...
Voyage With Us

Voyage With Us

“Our mission is to inspire all people to mālama honua, or to care for island earth. Our earth needs help, and so this voyage is really just a catalyst to get people to feel like they’re a part of a movement,” says Apprentice Navigator, Jenna Ishii. Pwo Navigator,...
Hōkūleʻa Dry Dock Recap

Hōkūleʻa Dry Dock Recap

Before embarking on this 3-year quest to mālama honua, and raise awareness about the importance of caring for our planet, Hōkūleʻa needed some TLC herself. More than 35 years of sailing and over 150,000 nautical miles had taken its toll on her. But as it’s been since...
Getting Ready to Go

Getting Ready to Go

In addition to the navigator and apprentice navigators… each of the other crewmembers carry specific roles on board – there is a captain, watch captains, a safety officer, quarter master and cook just to name a few – all of whom have been training long and hard for...
Inception of the Worldwide Voyage

Inception of the Worldwide Voyage

“This voyage launched over 2,000 years ago. This voyage is in the wake of the world’s greatest explorers and navigators of the time, of the whole earth and that is an argument that we can stand on. That first canoe that came here, 2400, 2500 miles from Kahikinui, was...
Mālama Waʻa in Aotearoa

Mālama Waʻa in Aotearoa

https://vimeo.com/115026868 As their mālama honua journey throughout the Pacific comes to a close the crews made time to mālama the waʻa that have sustained them – over 35 hundred miles thus far! “The crews are working hard to look at all the fine details of both...