by DND | Dec 11, 2014 | Environment, Polynesian Voyaging Society
“You get into the harbor and see a bunch of rubbish floating around the wharf right next to the canoes, and then on the inside, a bunch of that rubbish floating around the area. As I am standing there is rubbish right around here too, with plastic forks, cigarette...
by DND | Dec 2, 2014 | Environment, Polynesian Voyaging Society
Aloha! This is Pomai Bertelmann, and I am crewmember onboard Hōkūleʻa for the Worldwide Voyage. Today, the ʻohana (family) is going to Hokianga on the west side of this large island of Aotearoa where we will be checking out a very special feature – Tāne Mahuta. We are...
by DND | Nov 30, 2014 | Environment, Polynesian Voyaging Society
One of the chief servants of Te Roroa, Jason Fox says that “This community is called Te Roroa. It’s a combination of about six Marae – six communities and their affiliated family groupings. They come together under a single umbrella in order to look after pretty much...
by DND | Nov 26, 2014 | Polynesian Voyaging Society Episode 4 In our final episode, Hōkūleʻa completes her journey through Polynesia and prepares to leave the Pacific for the first time ever. She now carries the hope and lessons offered by the many communities visited to date. From...
by DND | Nov 26, 2014 | Education, Polynesian Voyaging Society
While Hōkūleʻa and Hikianalia were in Opua Harbor, some of the crewmembers took the time to visit the local community and engage with people who are doing their part to Mālama Honua. One place in particular is Opua School, where the students shared all of the things...
by DND | Nov 20, 2014 | Polynesian Voyaging Society
Episode 3 As Hawaiʻi’s storied double-hulled canoe Hōkūleʻa circumnavigates the globe over the next three years, crew members will experience amazing segments of this journey, each unique in their own way. The Hawai’i to Tahiti leg was the fastest crossing ever of...