Opua School: Reciprocal Learning

Opua School: Reciprocal Learning

While Hōkūleʻa and Hikianalia were in Opua Harbor, some of the crewmembers took the time to visit the local community and engage with people who are doing their part to Mālama Honua. One place in particular is Opua School, where the students shared all of the things they are actively doing to take care of our island Earth.

“They shared with us the, the other thing about water bottles and how they have too many water bottles here and you know, what can we do to eliminate that plastic? So the kids came up with a water bottle filling station. “ said crewmember Mark Ellis.

Along with this water station is a greenhouse made of recycled plastic, a garden and farm with chickens that produce eggs for eating, and a musical station made of pots and pans. All of these projects were inspired and executed by the student themselves.

Simon McGowan, the Principal of Opua School says that, “that’s just now typical of the sorts of proactive behavior that the students engage in because they are so inspired, and they want to make a difference.”

As the students presented what they do to mālama honua, the crewmembers shared their similar experiences and goals on the Worldwide Voyage; an engaging opportunity that will be remembered and cherished.

“To see people from Hawaiʻi, doing things that they’ve heard about, and care about…and just to have those adults inspiring them, passing the message on, and giving them some (as we say) pakipaki, celebrating what they are doing, will keep them going, you know?” said McGowan.

Director for the Mālama Honua Learning Center, Miki Tomita says that, “that is the inspiration, is some how figuring out a way so that students and learners of all ages can really begin to understand that we are all connected and that everyone is working to help create positive change. And in every, in every child’s smile, you see that inspiration. And it’s beautiful, and we got to keep voyaging, so that we can keep seeing that and inspiring that with the canoes.”

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