Ia Fenua ā te Vaʻa


“Our souls will journey with you
Both of you
On your voyage
In the great ocean”

[dropcap2]T[/dropcap2]he crew of Faʻafaite honors Hōkūleʻa and Hikianalia with the song Mālama Honua: Respect the Earth. In turn, we extend our sincerest mahalo and [sf_tooltip link=”#” direction=”bottom” title=”“thank you” in Tahitian”]mauruuru[/sf_tooltip] to our ʻohana throughout French Polynesia.

Music by Calmelito Tauraa
Lyrics by Heifara Doudoute


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Mālama Honua

Ia ora, Maeva, Manava
E na rua vaʻa no Vaihi
Hikianalia te teina
Tiʻai(i) te matahiapo
Hōkūleʻa te vaʻa tumu

A fano, a fano ra
Na vaʻa arere e
Ia marama te nunaa
(ia) malama te honua
Ia vaʻa ā te fenua
Ia marama te nunaa
(ia) malama te honua
Ia fenua ā te vaʻa

Hōkūleʻa te matamehaʻi
Teie (e) tere nei e nati
E nanati i te mau nunaa
E tere ia hoé (a) ratou
To te Moana nui a hiva

Na to matou nei varua
E apitipiti ia orua
I roto (i) to orua tere
Na te Moana nui a hiva
Matou to te vaʻa fenua

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[spb_tab title=”English”] [spb_text_block pb_margin_bottom=”no” pb_border_bottom=”no” width=”1/1″ el_position=”first last”]

Respect the Earth

Greetings and welcome
To the two vaʻa from Hawaiʻi
Hikianalia the younger one
Protector of the eldest
Hōkūleʻa the foundation

Sail, sail
The vaʻa messengers
So that the people can be enlightened
So that the earth can be respected
So the vaʻa becomes the earth again
So that the people can be enlightened
So that the earth can be protected
So that the earth becomes the vaʻa

Hōkūleʻa the first
Sails to link
To unite the people
So that they become one again
With those of the great ocean

Our souls will journey with you
Both of you
On your voyage
In the great ocean
We from vaʻa earth

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[spb_tab title=”French”] [spb_text_block pb_margin_bottom=”no” pb_border_bottom=”no” width=”1/1″ el_position=”first last”]

Respectons La Terre

Salut et bienvenue
Aux deux vaa de Vaihi
Hikianalia la plus jeune
Gardienne de l’aînée
Hōkūleʻa la fondement

Voguez, voguez
Les vaa messageres pour
Que le peuple soit éclairé
Que la terre soit respectée
Que la vaʻa redevienne terre
Que le peuple soit éclairé
Que la terre soit protégée
Que la terre redevienne vaʻa

Hōkūleʻa la premiere
Qui navigue pour relier,
Pour lier les peuples
Pour que redeviennent un
Ceux du grand océan

Nos âmes vous accompagneront
Toutes les deux
Dans votre périple
Dans le grand océan
Nous ceux du vaʻa terre

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