Anniversary of the Overthrow

Anniversary of the Overthrow

Today marks the 119th year since the illegal overthrow of the Hawaiian Kingdom.  In an effort to educate the children of Hawaiʻi, several schools, including Hālau Kū Mana, brought their students to ʻIolani Palace, the once proud home of our Aliʻi.

“The kids have been studying in their daily curriculum the events happening up and to, so we think that it’s a good opportunity to connect them to the actual place itself,” said Hālau Kū Mana Kumu, ʻĪmai Winchester.  “Those are the type of experiential things that are very important to our school and our kids learning.  Not to just sit in a classroom and watch a video about what happened, but walk them through the place where it happen.”

11th grader, Maluhia Moses, shares what she learned today. “The main lesson is about not letting our past corrupt or cloud our future and to continue onipaʻa and recognize what our aliʻi do for us and continue to do for us now days.”

Hālau Kū Mana students also got schooled from community members who were at the palace to recognize the injustice.

“It’s critical to know that you’re not alone.  And so today is about introducing our ʻōpio to the community who, uh, who fight the fight, who are at the forefront, the frontline and hopefully inspire them to join the ranks.”

This day is not celebratory, but rather a reminder that we as Hawaiians have much more to fight for, and that our keiki need to understand the truth.  Onipaʻa!

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