On the morning of April 10, 2015, hundreds of keiki, mākua, and kūpuna gathered at Ka Papa Loʻi O Kānewai on the University of Hawaiʻi at Mānoa campus to move pōhaku to the lawn of Bachman Hall. Lined up shoulder to shoulder along Dole Street to pass pōhaku, community members stood in solidarity with the Aloha ʻĀina Protectors currently atop Mauna a Wākea. In addition to the stones from Ka Papa Loʻi o Kānewai, pōhaku from all islands were assembled into an ahu. Afterwards, gifts of mele, hula, oli, wai, ʻawa, and pōhaku were offered onto the ahu.
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Our vision is to reestablish the Native Hawaiian worldview to a place of authority in Hawaiians, Hawaiʻi and the rest of the world.
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