C4 Waterman: Designs from the Core

C4 Waterman: Designs from the Core

“The whole philosophy behind C4 was created based on the lifestyle of the waterman. C4 stands for core four, the core four values of the waterman: balance, endurance, strength and tradition. The most important part of the philosophy in C4 Waterman is tradition....
Wyland Wall Pago Pago

Wyland Wall Pago Pago

“To be part of the voyage means everything to me.” [dropcap2]T[/dropcap2]he momentum of the Worldwide Voyage has inspired like-minded people from around the world to embrace the voyage. None, quite possibly, more visual than famous artist Wyland. “This is really...
Nā Loea: The Masters | Keone Nunes: Ancestral Ink

Nā Loea: The Masters | Keone Nunes: Ancestral Ink

This is the story of traditional Hawaiian kākau (tattoo) artist, Keone Nunes, and the journey of cultural re-discovery inherent in kākau uhi (tattooing). The process of kākau uhi is one where the artist guides their subjects down a path of self-discovery, revealing...
Mele Murals: Waimea

Mele Murals: Waimea

The Estria Foundation’s latest project, Mele Murals, was recently completed in the small town of Waimea on the island of Hawaiʻi. “Mele Murals is a series of murals that we are intending to do across all the islands.  The larger goal is to build and sustain a public...