by DND | Dec 24, 2014 | Polynesian Voyaging Society As their mālama honua journey throughout the Pacific comes to a close the crews made time to mālama the waʻa that have sustained them – over 35 hundred miles thus far! “The crews are working hard to look at all the fine details of both...
by DND | Nov 10, 2014 | Polynesian Voyaging Society
“We are at a carver’s shop who has graciously given his shop over to us so that we can fix the boom that was damaged on our way to Tongatapu. As I understand it, what happened is that Hōkūleʻa did an accidental jibe. When that happened, it put a lot of stress on the...
by DND | Aug 30, 2014 | Polynesian Voyaging Society
“The single greatest environmental issue of the 21st century is to protect these oceans so that it will protect life on earth.” [dropcap2]H[/dropcap2]ōkūleʻa and Hikianalia have sailed more that 4,500 miles since departure from Hawaiʻi in June. But the next stop, just...
by DND | Aug 28, 2014 | Polynesian Voyaging Society
“It’s amazing! The canoes have held up very, very well after about 4,000 miles.” [dropcap2]F[/dropcap2]resh, flown in crews from Hawaiʻi arrived at the dock in Pago Pago this morning to get to work on the canoes in preparation for the next leg. “It’s amazing! The...
by DND | Jul 14, 2014 | Polynesian Voyaging Society
“When the responsibility falls upon your shoulders, and you have the skill sets to deliver good leadership, then you have to — it would be irresponsible not to — deliver good leadership.” [dropcap2]W[/dropcap2]ith over 140,000 nautical miles under its belt, Hōkūleʻa...