The Tribunal


Produced by Nā Maka o ka ʻĀina

The proceedings of Ka Ho’okolokolonui Kanaka Maoli

Peoples’ International Tribunal Hawai’i, 1993

In August 1993, the production team of Na Maka o ka ‘Aina spent twelve days capturing on video the proceedings of the Peoples’ International Tribunal Hawai’i 1993 in which the United States and the State of Hawai’i were put on trial for crimes against the native people of Hawai’i, the Kanaka Maoli.

A panel of international judges was convened to hear the charges, which included genocide, ethnocide, the taking of our sovereign government and the destruction of our environment.

During those days of testimony, the Tribunal traveled to five islands to see and hear firsthand the words and personal experiences of witnesses, many of whom faced arrest and eviction from native lands.

The Tribunal judges, from Japan, Aotearoa (New Zealand), Jordan, Korea, Africa, the U.S., Puerto Rico and the Cree, Cherokee, Shawnee and Creek nations brought to the proceedings a familiarity with the changing dynamics of international law.

At the end of ten days, the Tribunal called upon the United States and the world to recognize the fact that our sovereignty has never been extinguished. It also called for the restoration and return of all lands to which Kanaka Maoli have a claim.

Spoken testimony is supplemented visually with graphics, political cartoons, archival photos and film, aerial shots and contemporary footage of land occupations and struggles.

Music by Kalani Kahalepau’ole, Jon Osorio/Stephen Brown, Henry Kapono, Ilona Moritsugu, Liko Martin, Helen “Didi” Lee Kwai

Produced in cooperation with Ka Ho’okolokolonui Kanaka Maoli – Peoples’ International Tribunal Hawai’i 1993; Dr. Kekuni Blaisdell, Convenor.

Partial funding from Hui Na’auao, Pacific Islanders in Communication, United Church Board for World Ministries.


Produced and directed by Puhipau and Joan Lander of Na Maka o ka `Aina

To purchase this DVD, please visit the Nā Maka o ka ʻĀina website


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