The United Nations’ (UN) International Day of the World’s Indigenous People is observed on August 9 each year to promote and protect the rights of the world’s indigenous population. This event also recognizes the achievements and contributions that indigenous people make to improve world issues such as environmental protection.

Mele Pūnana Leo | Episode 6: Pūnana Leo o Kona
Joshua “Baba” Tavares and Kekuʻiapoiwanui Navas-Colburn share their experiences in composing "E Ola Mau Nā Kupa," a mele dedicated to Pūnana Leo o Kona – 1 of 13 new compositions from "Mele Pūnana Leo." E Ola Mau Nā Kupa Haku ʻia e Baba Tavares & Kekuʻiapoiwa...