Ānuenue Punua is a kupa of Kāneʻohe, Koʻolaupoko, Oʻahu. She is a mother, educator, and a kanaka aloha ʻāina who strives to prepare the next generation of leaders with skills grounded in kūpuna values and practices needed to thrive in our island nation. She was a founding teacher of Ke Kula ʻO Samuel M. Kamakau, Paepae O Heʻeia, and Hui Aloha ʻĀina Momona. Ānuenue is also a distinguished Hawaiian musician and composer renowned for her contributions to preserving and promoting Hawaiian culture.

Mele Pūnana Leo | Episode 6: Pūnana Leo o Kona
Joshua “Baba” Tavares and Kekuʻiapoiwanui Navas-Colburn share their experiences in composing "E Ola Mau Nā Kupa," a mele dedicated to Pūnana Leo o Kona – 1 of 13 new compositions from "Mele Pūnana Leo." E Ola Mau Nā Kupa Haku ʻia e Baba Tavares & Kekuʻiapoiwa...