Once In A Lifetime Visit for MAʻO

Once In A Lifetime Visit for MAʻO

MAʻO Organic Farms in Waiʻanae was one of the very few Hawaiʻi organizations to bask in the international spotlight of last weekʻs Asia-Pacific Economic Cooperation (APEC) summit with a visit from the First Lady of the United States of America Michelle Obama. The First Lady was in town with her husband, U.S. President Barack Obama, who was here on official APEC business.

Mrs. Obama is an advocate for healthy lifestyles for young Americans and visted MA’O to learn about the innovative strategy that is being employed to develop young farmers, leaders, and drive an economic engine that aligns with sustainable perspectives.

Mahalo to MA’O, Kamuela Enos, Jordan Demotto, Cheryse Sana, and all the ʻōpio at MAʻO.

Produced by Kuʻuwehi Hiraishi

Photographed by Kina Palaualelo

Edited by Ken Chong

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