Hawaiians Painting a Presence at APEC

Hawaiians Painting a Presence at APEC

Written & Produced by Kuʻuwehi Hiraishi

Photographed & Edited by Justyn Ah Chong & Kenneth Chong

Native Hawaiian artists, alakaʻi and haumana, offer a Hawaiian perspective on the economy with the Hawaiʻi Kākou Mural, which will be on display during the 2011 Asia-Pacific Economic Cooperation (APEC) Summit this November at the Hawaiʻi Convention Center.

Artists Meleanna Meyer, Solomon Enos, Kahi Ching, Harinani Orme, and Al Lagunero, led over 20 students from various Hawaiʻi middle schools and high schools in painting the 64′ x 10′ mural.

The unveiling is scheduled for next Wednesday, October 19, 2011, at 5:30pm.

For more information visit the Hawaiʻi Kākou Mural website.


ʻŌiwi TV reaches across generations, socio-economic statuses, and geographic locations as the sole media venue where the Hawaiian language, culture and perspective thrive. Through Digital Channel 326, ʻŌiwi TV reaches over 220,000 households across the entire State via Oceanic Time Warner Cable’s network. Through its website, mobile, and social media venues, ʻŌiwi TV is reaching Hawaiians everywhere and engaging a generation of Hawaiians that expect to access anything and everything from anywhere at anytime.


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