Kū Kiaʻi March from OHA to the State Capitol: FULL VERSION

Kū Kiaʻi March from OHA to the State Capitol: FULL VERSION
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Hundreds attended the Kū Kia‘i Mauna March from OHA offices to the State Capital in Honolulu on April 21, 2015. Thousands more tuned in on our live stream. This is a rebroadcast of the stream and the event as it unfolded.

ʻŌiwi TV reaches across generations, socio-economic statuses, and geographic locations as the sole media venue where the Hawaiian language, culture and perspective thrive. Through Digital Channel 326, ʻŌiwi TV reaches over 220,000 households across the entire State via Oceanic Time Warner Cable’s network. Through its website, mobile, and social media venues, ʻŌiwi TV is reaching Hawaiians everywhere and engaging a generation of Hawaiians that expect to access anything and everything from anywhere at anytime.


  1. Joao Troples 9 years ago

    Mahalo nui loa for all that you are doing. Standing up to the same people that have been stealing money, land and the well being of the Hawaiian people and island residents. ENOUGH!! I Mua!!!

  2. Joao Troples 9 years ago

    Mahalo nui loa for all that you are doing. Standing up to the same people that have been stealing money, land and the well being of the Hawaiian people and island residents. ENOUGH!! I Mua!!!

    Oops right e-mail now…. ;0)

  3. Koa 9 years ago

    Maika’i to all the Hawaiians out there who is standing up for our Hawaiian people!! It is sad to see not ONE! trustee from OHA standing with us Hawaiians is saying enough is enough!!! what the United states is doing to our ‘Aina, Does anyone from OHA has a HEART for their people. Look at what your Hawaiian people is saying to OHA and TMT and etc… STOP!! the telescope, Not one person from OHA has the BALLS!!!! to stand with us Hawaiians!!!! and say LAVA!!! PAU!!! the state of Hawai’i got paid off and also OHA trust did too!!!! so step up to the plate OHA and stop selling our SOULS!!! to the devil, all will be judge on judgement day with Jesus Christ who is the only one that knows the truth what is being done here to us Hawaiians. Now the Blood is in their hands!!! By the time my Mo’opuni grow up I hope Hawai’i is still here.

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